Loans & Debt Management

“If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need” Warren Buffet.

Caliper Wealth offers loans for every need. Whether you are looking buying a new home, adding on to your house or looking to finance a new car, business funding, student loan or personal loan , we are here to help. We will walk you through each step in the process and make sure to choose an option that is right for you.

Loans –Owning Asset versus Interest Trap

Loans help us in building assets & comfort at cost of interest paying. It is always tricky to choose between dream of buying asset and worry of paying hefty interest. One needs to assess following question before taking loans.

  • Am I taking good or bad debt?
  • How much debt is too much in regard to my net worth?
  • What tenure should I opt for the loan?
  • How much percentage loan should be to you Income?
  • Should I avoid certain Loans?
  • What is the best interest rate?
  • Should I go to bank or NBFC?
At Caliper Wealth, we will answer all the above questions to you in detail, so as you can assure or stop yourself for taking loan. We continuously analyze the loan offer from banks and NBFC’s to find the best alternative for you.

Debt Management
There are many debt solutions and different ways to resolve a debt problem. At Caliper wealth, we discuss all options available to you and advice you based on your personal financial circumstances. This allows you to make an informed decision on how you wish to address your debts and regain control over your finances.  We also help you find and improve your CIBIL/ Credit score.


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